Our Story
One night Benjamin, age 4, was having a hard time sleeping. Feeling restless he decided to do what he had done so many times before – sneak into mom and dad’s bed and nestle into the bed between them. After falling back to sleep he dreamt he was on a grand quest; as he was slaying dragons and monsters in his sleep he inadvertently kicked his dad in the head. The next morning Benjamin’s dad and mom, Sam and Ashley (the owner and founders of Teddy MD), began a quest of there own to find a way to help their son and other children get the healthy sleep that they need.
After researching and consulting with doctors and pediatricians, Sam and Ashley partnered with a Bio Chemical Engineering company, Provindus, led by Dr. Tannin Fuja. Together they created the natural, non-habit forming sleep aid known as Tired Teddies. After 6 years of operations Tired Teddies has proven, time and time again, that it works and helps children and families get the healthy sleep they need. In fact, Teddy MD has helped tens of thousands of families sleep great.
What is Tired Teddies?
An all-natural, non-habit forming, bubblegum flavored sleep aid, designed specifically with children in mind. We thought of teddy bears because kids always associate teddy bears with keeping them safe in their sleep. So why not give kids something they already know and trust?
Tired Teddies main ingredient is 0.3 mg of melatonin with complementary ingredients of chamomile, lemon balm, California poppy and Wild Lettuce.
Our dosage of melatonin is the lowest you can find for children at only 0.3 mg. Most sleep aids are dosed at 1 mg to as much as 20 mg. Our sleep aid is dosed so much lower than our leading competitors because research has found that a child’s body naturally produces only 0.3 mg of melatonin. Anything dosed larger than that can leave children, irritable, groggy, less likely to sleep and/or nauseas feeling. We want to help your children sleep and feel refreshed, not make the situation worse.
Tired Teddies is especially helpful for children with ADHD and autism. Often these children cannot turn their brains off to fall asleep. Children specifically with autism frequently don’t produce enough melatonin in order to sleep or stay asleep. Tired Teddies is here to give those kids a little boost so they can wake up the next day rested and refreshed.

What Do We Offer?
Tired Teddies has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which means if you aren’t completely happy with the results of Tired Teddies you will get your money back. Although, our return rate is less than 1%, meaning less than 1% of our customers return their order of Tired Teddies. We have 90 count bottles as well as 16 count travel packs that you can get through our online store or Amazon. If you are a frequent customer we even have it set up where you can subscribe and automatically get a bottle at your door every month or every three months. Tired Teddies can also be purchased in select pharmacies around the country, which can be found in our store locator.
What We Don’t Offer
We recognize that Tired Teddies are not a magic bullet–we don’t want them to be! The truth is, we all strive to be awesome parents. (Who wouldn’t?) So Tired Teddies don’t do all the work for you. You still need to keep a good routine and be responsible. But Tired Teddies ensure your efforts WON’T BE IN VAIN!
Pediatrician recommended
Kids and toddlers ages 2+
Non habit-forming
Sugar, gluten, soy, nut, & dairy free
No added colors or preservatives
Made in the USA
GMP & NSF certified
100% satisfaction guaranteed
Now that you know more about Tired Teddies, check out our online store. If you have more questions you can visit our FAQ page, Research page or email us directly at [email protected].